One of Ireland’s finest bang merchants, Section 15 label head honcho, the beautifully humble Graham Walsh,  took time out to tell us about himself and how he got to where he is and what is going on now: 

I’ve been inspired by many genres, bands and artists throughout the years and close friends and family who always supported me. Some of which gave me the confidence to continue with my goals! 

It wasn’t until my teens and early 20’s where I ventured more towards dance music in general. Upon attending raves legal and illegal I found the essence of techno overwhelming and I knew from the very first gig I attended it was something I wanted to peruse!

 I first started producing in 2007 but didn’t take it serious enough until 2009 where I sat down and took steps to learn working with production software a close friend of mine gave me some tools to hone in the skill of producing and boosted my confidence to keep on going even though many mistakes where made I kept doing it as I could see my progression through it, So special thanks goes to Hunty for this!  

I’ve had many highlights some big and small I’ve been on plenty of remix cases and my own tracks been remixed by names I have a lot of respect for. I’ve done many guest mixes over the years mostly on Fnoob which I was always privileged to do, but it was always the little things I took most pride in and of course the building of connections far and wide – all with the same outlook… I’ve been humbled to have met or just talked to anyone who has helped me in anyway or vice versa.

The biggest step for me was the setting up of Section15 Recordings with my Friend Patrick. It was his brain child and I was co founder with him and we set upon releasing tracks from all over the world. it was a lot of work in the beginning and lots to take in. We had some small success but I think the most important part of it all were the bridges we were making and the understanding of the music industry as a whole. It doesn’t always work out and unfortunately for me, life got in the way some years ago so I had to take a step back from music as a whole. 2019 is where I kicked it back into high gear where I left off and to rebuild the brand and take it further then the last time! 

I don’t think I’m any different from anyone else. I always like to help people in anyway I can and if it’s music related I truly get a great sense of pride in being able to point someone in the right direction. Putting my skill and knowledge to good use for others might be my strongest trait. 

I hope that in the later part of 2020 I can cement Section15 as a highly respected label, So in order for that to happen I have injected a lot of time and energy into the branding and of course how the music is presented, I’ve put into place EP’s that will be released on vinyl and the new podcast show. I host the show of up coming producers and DJ’s and any label related… be it new releases or new producers added to the roster.

I first heard of Fnoob from Daz Furey a name cemented into the history of Fnoob. He got onto me many years ago to record a guest mix and from there I had many more guest mixes that followed form other shows on Fnoob.

The latest release on Section15 comes from an up and coming producer from Scotland, Euan Colston bares all the essentials of a great artist he is very humble and has a great sense of wanting to learn, it’s why I wanted to give him his first release. His tracks are very heavy and I remembered where I started off and I could hear the similarities in his production style so I had to do it! he’s done it in great style, he handed over 4 banging hard techno tracks all with their own flavour but keeping to his production style. It’s an EP I’ve taken a lot of self pride in as it reminds me so much of where I started. Euan is definetely one to watch and it’s early days for him and he’s absolutely rocking it so far.

Check out Graham’s Section 15 show on Mondays at 8pm UK time 21 hrs CET every four weeks. Next show on Monday 8 June 2020.